With Passion and Skills comes Success and Development

Passion + Skill = Success + Development Everyone in their life has some goals and aims to achieve and for achieving those goals they might have some ways to achieve them. Some of the people have a great passion in their life and thus leads them towards their goals and helps them to achieve them. In this competitive world, people run after success and respect without these things a person cannot live happily. Therefore success is now the most valuable thing in this world. If any person is passionate about his/her work or profession then he is sure to be successful. But if a person only has passion but no skills to work accurately and with excellence, then the work done is useless. Our education system is a failure in the matter of producing smart people and work efficient people. If any education system can convert a child who is dumb to a smart and respectful person then that is called development in the true sense. There is a lot of pressure on society on the future of our nat...