Life with and without technology.

Life is a race and by the use of technology, it can be made convenient and easy to go on. Need is the mother of every invention and to make life more flexible and so people by using this principle, come out with some out-of-the-box inventions and as the time goes it becomes a requirement of the society. If we think of life without technology cannot be imagined. The human race has been dependent on technology and can barely live without it. We can now also imagine that villages that sleep at 7 pm and get up at 5 in the morning. They are neither connected nor exposed to the elite level technology nor they are properly connected to society. Life before the use of technology was very peaceful and the concept of hard work existed. People made their life successful by doing meaningful work. The concept of time waste came in into existence through technology because without technology, people stayed more connected and were involved in their chores and there was a concept of family i...