
Showing posts from July 10, 2020

Tender but Useful medicines

As the Indian Ancient history states that the medicinal plants had a very good impact and a very good role in the life of Rishi muni and the Vaids. So as my garden is well developed so my father and me  have grown some medicinal plants which are as follows: DUM VEL Uses : Used in Ayurveda. Intake of any part of the plant causes fatal  poisoning; when drunk the juice produces nausea, vomiting.  Roots stimulant, emetic, expectorant, potentially antitumor,  stomachic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, used for the treatment  of asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, dysentery, diarrhea.  Leaves emetic, diaphoretic, chewed for asthma; leaf decoction taken for body pain. Roots and leaves used in hydrophobia.   CITRONELLA About : True citronella plants, Cymbopogon nardus or Cymbopogon winterianus, are grasses. If you are purchasing a “citronella plant” that has lacy foliage instead of grass blades, it is probably a citronella scented geranium, which is often ...