The Legend flower "Aparajitha"
Description : Among the innumerable plants used in native system of medicines ‘Aparajita’ stands out as a curative herb to improve memory. In Ayurveda, it is grouped under ‘Medhya’ category forming part of “Shirovirechanopaga” group of herbs associated with detoxification and cleansing of the brain and associated nervous system. A perennial creeper known as ‘Shanku pushpa’ in Kannada, it is often seen in the backyards of Indian household. How to make: Collect a few fresh flowers and put them in a container and add hot water. Shake well and filter the decoction. Blue tea is ready. Cool and add a little lemon juice (optional). Watch the magic, a change from bluish to purple ! Depending on the proportion of lemon juice, colour changes to various shades of blue and purple. Dried lemongrass can also be used along with flowers. Culinary (for cooking purposes) Known as ‘Bunga telang’ in Malay the flowers / buds...