The Legend flower "Aparajitha"

Description : Among the innumerable plants used in native system of medicines  ‘Aparajita’  stands out as a curative herb to improve memory. In Ayurveda,  it is grouped under ‘Medhya’  category forming part of  “Shirovirechanopaga” group of herbs associated with detoxification and cleansing of the brain and associated nervous system. A perennial creeper known as ‘Shanku pushpa’ in Kannada, it  is often seen  in the backyards of Indian household. 

How to make: Collect a few fresh flowers and put them in a container and add hot water. Shake well and filter the decoction. Blue tea is ready. Cool and add a little lemon juice (optional). Watch the magic, a change from bluish to purple ! Depending on the proportion of lemon juice, colour changes to various shades of blue and purple. Dried lemongrass can also be used along with flowers.

Culinary (for cooking purposes)

Known as ‘Bunga telang’  in Malay the flowers / buds are used as a  natural food colouring agent to provide bluish tint to the rice dishes (kuih ketan, nyonya chang and nasi kerabu) in  Peranakan / Nyonya cooking.   The young pods are edible and used as vegetable in Philippines. Blue tea called  ‘Butterfly Pea Flower tea’ (similar to green tea) is prepared from the flowers. In Burmese and Thai cuisines, the flowers are also dipped in batter and fried (like pakodas). The flowers have more recently been used in a colour-changing gin known as Sharish Blue Magic: Blue gin in the bottle turning pink (shimmering blue colour or bluish pink) generated by an infusion of the flower when mixed with a carbonated water due to change in pH. If lemon is added for flavor in this then also the color of the tea changes to pinkish purple.

Useful tips

  • A beautiful climber most suitable for fences and trellises.
  • Can also be grown in pots with a support.
  • Does well in moist, neutral soil —  needs no special care.
  • Grows best under bright sun though it can be grown in semi-shade areas.
  • Water moderately and avoid water-logging.
  • Flowers and buds are edible. Collect, dry and store in a dry bottle for future use.
  • Propagation: Soak well-dried seeds for 4 hours and directly sow an inch below the soil in pots or desired place. Seeds germinate in 2 weeks time and flowering in another 4 weeks time.
  • A N2 fixing plant with nodules present in the roots, it improves soil fertility : hence used as a re-vegetation species.
  • Can also be used as a green manure.  
  • A  valuable cover crop in rubber and coconut plantations.
  • Can be grown as an inter-crop in agriculture fields for hay and silage for livestock as the plant is highly proteinaceous.
  • It attracts various kinds of bees, butterflies and birds.

for more details contact on this no 9106624980 (Kumail Bhaisaheb)

if anyone want this plant plz contact


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