The Truthful and Devastating journey of Covid-19
End of the year 2019 then 2020 and now 2021. Every single year has
its own characteristics or let’s say a spell which was and is being casted on
the people.
Seeing to this situation many scientists, philosophers, Ayurveda doctors have
given many ways to prevent this virus in their respective fields of practice.
Firstly when the virus intruded Indian subcontinent, the people of India were
not so aware of this monster variant which changes form with time and
With every single effort and research scientists got some anti-virus system for
this virus. The Anti-Virus names as Covid vaccine and the companies like
Pfizer biotech, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson's, etc. launched specimens
to prevent or to slow down the virus but not to kill it. Midway in this journey
of Covid-19, there was a process of Plasma donation which helped a lot in this
Now we are witnessing the year of 2021, the deadliest period because this time
the virus targeted the mass and attacked on the lungs specially. The infection
got severe and severe. Many people faced scarcity of oxygen and ventilators,
due to that many lives were lost and there were ocean of bodies.
Since January, there has been second wave going on and till date the situation is
on the verge of decline but in some states there is problem of oxygen going
Now the Question is does the Ventilator really helps??
The ventilator also marks a crisis point in a patient's COVID-19 course, and
questions are now being raised as to whether the machines can cause harm,
Many who go on a ventilator die, and those who
survive likely will face on-going breathing problems caused by either the
machine or the damage done by the virus.
The problem is that the longer people are on
ventilation, the more likely they are to suffer complications related to
machine-assisted breathing.
Due to the medical situation in the country and many agencies who create an artificial shortage of vaccines and ventilators, people in hospitals are using used oxygen equipment and ventilators and due to that many people are getting infected by more severe fungus which named as "Mucormycosis" (Black Fungus) and it starts from the hole of the nose and then slowly decays the organs above the infected area and hence at last though the patient gets rid of this fungus, the infected part is being removed from the body.
5 states account for over 65% of India's 11,717 Mucormycosis
Another biggest drawback of this virus is that it is like a magnet from the god
which is set on a meter to only absorb good and humble people and to revive
notorious people in this world to do more sins and harassment to the public, so
the public could pray to the god and be more and more closer to god.
So in the conclusion it should be said that the medical department should
improve its availability and hygiene or else the people will die of unknown!!!
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